Cosy Home Care

Ashlee Dimech

Meet The Team

Ashlee Dimech
Ashlee plays a crucial role at Cosy Home Care as the Client Services Coordinator. Her responsibilities include managing client intakes, serving as the welcoming face of the company, and facilitating a smooth transition for new clients. Her efforts in setting up participants and bridging the connection between the care team, case managers, and clients’ families are essential for fostering a supportive and efficient care environment. Ashlee’s position is indeed vital, ensuring that every client’s journey begins with a solid foundation of care and understanding.
Let’s get to know Ashlee below

Name: Ashlee
Nickname: Ash
Favourite colour: Purple
Hobbies: I love cooking and spending time with my family. You’ll often see me driving all over the countryside to explore new areas. I am a mum to 2 young boys who are 11 months apart, so I am very busy with them.

What was your professional experience prior to coming to Cosy Home Care?
I was an assistant business development manager for another disability company prior to coming to Cosy Home Care. I am a qualified Endorsed Enrolled Nurse, I have worked across the aged care and disability sector since I was 18 years old. I have a big passion for assisting people within the community. My main experience is based in aged care and working from a PCA to becoming a nurse.
Ashlee’s dedication to both marketing and social causes is commendable. Her recent participation in a 6.5km walk to support dementia research highlights her commitment to making a difference. Her enthusiasm for connecting with the community and spreading awareness about Cosy Home Care not only enhances the company’s outreach but also fosters a spirit of giving back. Such initiatives are vital in building strong community ties and showcasing the compassionate values of the organisation.
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