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Understanding the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to support people with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS Accommodation Scheme is an Australian national scheme providing funding support to people with permanent and significant disability that restrict their ability to lead normal active lives. Additionally, the NDIS funds early intervention support for children with developmental delays or people with disability. It provides individualized support that allows people with disabilities to exercise greater choice in living a
better life.

Through the Australian NDIS SDA Housing, people with disability are empowered to make progress towards their goals. They can identify and choose the right NDIS Provider Melbourne can offer to support them in their goals. One of the prominent features of the NDIS is ā€˜community and mainstreamā€™. This means that those who are unable to receive Australian NDIS funding can be supported through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in the form of advice and referrals.

Itā€™s challenging to understand how the NDIS works and what needs to be done to access support services. As part of Cosy Home and Community Careā€™s disability care services, we work with people with disability and their carers to help them prepare for the NDIS. We can support you in navigating the NDIS housing system, connect with government agencies, and acquire support after formalising service agreements. Our staff has the expertise to help you understand the following:

Your NDIS plan is designed after taking you through a planning process and determining the support you will get through the Australian NDIS

These are the main steps you need to follow to secure your NDIS plan:

  • Check your eligibility
  • Prepare for the planning meeting
  • Attend the NDIS planning meeting
  • Receive the NDIS plan
  • Implement the plan

To access the NDIS, you need to begin with a planning meeting with an NDIS representative, who will help you understand what funding you are eligible for. The representative will also help you develop your personalised NDIS plan. As a part of disability care Cosy Home and Community Care can guide you for organising yourself to make the most of your NDIS planning meeting.

We will help you become prepared with answers to the following questions:

  • What objectives do you want to achieve?
  • What support services do you currently avail?
  • What, if any, are the other services you might need?
  • What documents should you carry for the NDIS planning meeting?
  • Who will support you at the planning meeting?
Persons with disability need to meet the following eligibility criteria for availing the NDIS:
  • An Australian citizen, or
  • Possess a permanent Australian visa, or
  • Possess the protected Special Category Visa (SCV), and
  • Under 65 years old

Furthermore, they should have a permanent disability that
  • Reduces their ability to participate effectively in activities or perform tasks or actions without adequate support, and
  • Affects their ability for social and economic participation, and makes them likely to require support under the NDIS for a lifetime.
To support children with developmental delay or disability in the age group of 0-6 years, the NDIS adopts its Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach. This approach recognises the special needs of children and that the support they require will be different from what adults with disability would. The NDIS also supports children who are 7-18 years old with a diagnosed disability. NDIS funds the support for children with developmental delays or disability for the following outcomes:
  • To help them attain their goals
  • Enable their social and economic participation in the community, and
  • Foster independence.

To access the NDIS, your child must meet the following eligibility criteria:
  • Have developmental delays
  • Have a diagnosed disability
  • Must live in an area where NDIS is being implemented
  • Be an Australian citizen, or
  • Hold a permanent visa, or
  • Hold a protected SCV.

The NDIS plan will determine the type of supports you can receive. This will depend on the age-group of your child, namely, 0-6 years or 7-18 years, and their present status of availing disability support under the NDIS.

To access the NDIS, the person you care for must

  • live in an NDIS transition area
  • be an Australian citizen, or
  • hold a permanent visa, or
  • hold a protected SCV, and
  • be under 65 years old, and
  • have a permanent disability that
  • reduces their ability to participate effectively in activities or perform tasks or actions without adequate support, and
  • affects their ability for social and economic participation, and
  • makes them likely to require support under the NDIS for a lifetime.

If the person you care for currently receives support, meets the eligibility criteria for the NDIS, and it is available in their area, an NDIS representative will contact either them or you who is the primary carer.

Once the approved NDIS plan is received, follow these steps to implement the plan and start the NDIS funded supports:
  1. Receive the approved NDIS plan
  2. Go to the NDIS website and view the plan
  3. Speak with the relevant NDIS representative to receive help to start using the plan
  4. Connect with service providers for supports

Your NDIS plan will subsequently be underway
  • Cosy Home and Community Care is a registered NDIS services provider for disability care.
  • We make your transition to the NDIS effortless
  • We believe that people with disability can live life as equal citizens
  • We aim to empower people with disability and offer them the chance to live independently as possible
  • We deliver the best services package to ensure that people with disability and their carers attain the outcomes they seek
  • We provide a range of services that build capacity, develop life skills and enhance the quality of your life.
  • Our disability care services are flexible, high-quality and sustainable, and we follow high standards of customer wellbeing and safeguards.

NDIS SDA Housing | Accommodation in Melbourne

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