Cosy Home Care

Everything You Need To Know About NDIS Respite Service

NDIS Respite Service

Australia has transformed disability support by launching the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to ensure that people needing help with their daily functioning and disability get to establish more autonomy in their lives. NDIS housing accommodates a number of services, out of which respite care is one of the most predominant, as it does not only offer care and support to the patients but also to their primary caregivers and family. In this blog, we will comprehensively explore everything you need to know about the NDIS Respite Services and understand their significance, qualificatory criteria, and their impact on disability support in Australia. What are NDIS Respite Services? Understanding and recognising the important role played by family members and service providers in the life of a person suffering from a disability, the National Disability Insurance Scheme offers Respite Services. Such services are often designed to provide temporary relief to the primary carers of people requiring assistance because of their disabilities. In the place of the primary caregivers, Respite services provide a replacement as support for the person with a disability, so the primary caregiver can relax. If you seek the topmost NDIS provider, Melbourne is the place you should look – you get flexibility in terms of their services, as they can be tailored to the specific requirements of every individual patient and their caregivers. Another appealing factor when it comes to NDIS respite services, is that they can be utilised for just a few hours, or even several days, and they can be at home, in a care centre, or in community housing. During this time, the principal caregivers can take their time to relax or attend to other personal concerns, with assurance that their loved one is in good hands and is well-supported. NDIS Respite Services benefit both the patient as well as their caregiver, as it is only logical that caring for an individual with a disability can get overwhelming and demanding. These services play a key role in providing support to the caregivers by offering them opportunities to rest, in turn fostering a healthier dynamic of caregiving. Eligibility criteria for Respite Care Services under NDIS In order to be eligible for NDIS respite services, individuals need to meet the stipulations decided in advance by the National Disability Insurance Agency. Such criteria predominantly assess the level of disability of an individual, how much it impacts their daily life and functioning, and the degree of assistance they need. These criteria are evaluated for every case. In order to qualify for respite services under the NDIS, the person suffering from a disability must primarily be an NDIS-registered participant. A person can only become such a participant if they satisfy all the criteria set forth by the NDIA related to their functional capacity and the level of support they need. Eligibility for NDIS respite services is also fundamentally based on the need for a temporary break from caregiving – which can arise from the severity of care required, the complexity of disability the patient suffers from, or the personal constraints of the caregiver. The health and welfare of the primary caregiver are also given equal importance when it comes to deciding if a participant qualifies for respite care services under the NDIS. In case the primary caregiver falls short of their potential to provide their absolute assistance to the participant, NDIS respite services may be suggested to ensure that the patient receives sustainable care. If you qualify for the same, utilising NDIS respite services can have a significantly positive impact – Improved well-being of the primary caregiver Being a primary caregiver to an individual with a disability is, needless to say, overpowering. In such situations, NDIS respite services can be a blessing as it allows and empowers caregivers to take time off for themselves and give precedence to their own health and well-being. This, in turn, can considerably reduce the stress and exhaustion such caregivers face, along with also positively contributing to their improved physical as well as mental health. This can help them provide better support and care in the long term. Community building for the participant The NDIS is known for its initiative to build communities that foster a culture of openness, acceptance, and belongingness for people with disabilities. This gives the participants a chance to interact with the community and feel included, reducing their tendency to seclusion. Being a part of such a community can contribute to the personal growth of a participant with a disability, nurturing a positive outlook on life. Concluding thoughts To sum it up, NDIS housing for respite services is an invaluable element in the support system for people with disabilities in Australia. It serves a dual purpose – it benefits the participants by offering them sustainable care, while also providing the primary caregivers with a much-needed break to attend to their own matters.

Caring For A Child With A Disability – Challenges And Choosing The Right Service Provider


Parenting is not easy, but the challenges get magnified when you are parenting a child with a disability (or disabilities). From frequent doctor trips, expensive treatment, and being active 24/7 to lack of socializing, worrisome excursions, and suffering from chronic depression, the challenges of caring for a child with a disability are enormous. In this blog, we feature challenges faced by parents of children with special needs and how the right service provider can be of paramount help. Limited accessibility for special needs One of the biggest challenges faced by families of disabled children is the lack of basic amenities. From ramp access, narrow or uneven footpaths and thresholds, inadequate toilets, or even restrooms and changing places – the list is endless! The limited accessibility isolates families with special children as they cannot visit the places they love. Staggering childcare expenses Raising a child with a disability means lesser income and higher expenses. Unlike other families, where both parents are working and have a sound financial backup, families with special children have limited options. Moreover, medicines, health insurance premiums, and hospitalization costs are regular expenditures that cannot be ignored. However, you can seek help from National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which provides reasonable support to families with disabled children. You can also visit Services Australia – People with disability for multiple benefits. Fewer adaptive clothing options We still have lesser options for kids’ functional clothes. While there are few sellers of inclusive or adaptive clothing for disabled children online, they aren’t sold in stores or supermarkets. Bullying Children with disabilities are more prone to being bullied. Bullying instances can range from yelling, making fun of kids with special needs, pushing them from stairs, and so on. In several serious cases, bullying can mean life or death to a child with a disability! Thus, creating a safe environment for a child with disabilities is imperative. You can reach out to resources like Australian Human Rights Commission which protects disabled students against harassment and bully. Dealing with such challenges and many more is not easy. Therefore, if you have a child with a disability, we suggest you choose the disability service providers. You must choose the service provider that suits your child and you. While the right service provider is the one that meets your child’s special needs, here are a few tips to identify the best disability service, provider: NDIS-Accredited: As mentioned earlier in the blog, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) assists Australians suffering from significant and permanent disabilities. So, it is important to check whether the service provider is a registered NDIS provider and honours the scheme. Experience: The disability support provider you choose must be experienced enough to assist your child and meet your goal simultaneously. They should also be able to guide you through their terms and conditions and service agreements, among other relevant details. Customer-centred approach: Pick a service provider that listens and understands your needs and is willing to provide the requisite assistance. Never settle for a disability support provider that focuses more on monetary aspects. Instead, opt for those who genuinely take efforts to help you regardless of the severity of your situation or request. Credibility-check: Seek recommendations about disability support providers from friends, family, your General Practitioner, or your LAC (local area coordinator). You can also read the reviews on TrustPilot, Google, and Facebook to make an informed decision. Conclusion Any disability cannot stop a child from achieving something big in life. With proper care and support, they can live their best lives. NDIS ensures that people living with disabilities in Australia get timely and much-needed support for better living. So, before you finalize a disability support provider scrutinize them well and go for the one that you feel is good. You can contact Cosy Home Care for reputable and specialized services.

Supported Independent Living: A switch in the right direction


Living with a disability  or  a  mental  illness  can  change  how  you  look  at  the  world around you. Most importantly – how you fit into it. A simple option like living independently can be quite a faraway dream, just because of  the presence of  this disability. But it doesn’t have to be. One of  the problems that all of  us are faced with today is that we compare our lives to everyone else’s. As encouraging as this can sometimes be sometimes to challenge you to try and do  more,  or  do  something  new;  it  can  also  be  quite  damaging.  You  are  the  only  one  going through what you are. Don’t ignore your need and goals. How can I live independently if  I’m sometimes scared to be alone? If  I want to have my  own  space  but  occasionally  would  like  to  enjoy  company?  What  do  I  do  if   I’m  happy spending a lot of  time by myself  but know that I need help with some things? Questions like these  are  asked  more  frequently  than  you  think,  by  people  with  a  disability  and  without! Supported Independent Living (SIL) could be just up your alley. At Cosy Home & Community Care, we understand how the backstories in our heads can sometimes keep us from making choices that would help put us more in control of  our lives.  If   you  do  want  to  live  independently,  we  offer  Supported  Independent  Living  (SIL) services  that  can  help  you  confidently  make  the  switch.  Not  only  are  there  options  for  the ways  you  can  adopt  SIL,  but  you  will  also  have  a  dedicated  team  of   support  to  help  you through the process, whenever you do need it- 24/7. All you have to do is express interest in including Supported Independent Living (SIL) in your NDIS plan at the planning meeting, and we’ll take care of  the rest. What kind of  Supported Independent Living (SIL) service suits me best? Cosy Home & Community Care knows that uncontrollable circumstances are no reason to accept that this is how it’s going to be. Support through your journey is the main objective that  flows  through  Supported  Independent  Living  (SIL).  We  offer  three  main  plans  under the SIL services, that are as unique as people’s personalities. Even within these options, there is  always  room  to  tailor  the  service  of   your  choice  according  to  your  lifestyle  requirements and goals. We understand that you should be the one getting the best out of  the service you choose. The services provided under the SIL are: Independent Living: You don’t need to change houses to live independently. Our team is available to help you in your own home, through the lifestyle you lead and assist you in learning independent living activities of  your choice. You can also avail of  this service to learn a new skill like a  new  way  to  cook,  how  to  budget,  for  support  to  travel  and  ways  to  access  the community. Shared Living: In  this  shared  independent  living  option,  you  get  to  move  into  a  shared  home  with people  who  share  interests  like  you.  High  compatibility  is  also  a  key  factor  that  helps match you to find the right shared living space. In addition to having good company in your  living  space  while  still  living  independently,  support  is  tailored  according  to  the skills you want to develop. In-Home Respite Care: This  option  allows  you  to  live  in  your  own  home  with  an  available  team  to  assist  you with whatever you need. You choose the tasks and how long you’d like the team to assist you with them. This option is also designed for people who want to give their personal and family carers a break from how much they help in the house. Breaks are important- for you and the people around you. Skills you can learn with Supported Independent Living (SIL) Availing  of   any  of   the  options  within  Supported  Independent  Living  (SIL)  will  equip  you with  skills  to  be  able  to  live  fuller  lives  with  more  choice.  We  are  always  interested  in understanding  you  more  to  help  you  better.  We  also  encourage  you  to  step  forward  with skills you may have in mind that you want to learn and may not be on the list. Household maintenance Budgeting and Finance Management Cooking, cleaning and shopping Using public transport for social and medical appointments Becoming  more  active  in  social  and  recreational  activities  while  developing  strong  lasting community connections What Supported Independent Living (SIL) can do for me? Making the choice to switch to Supported Independent Living (SIL) with Cosy Home & Community Care can not only equip you with to live with more control over your own life; but also empower you through it. Empowering Independence: You are at the centre of  our support programs and they are designed to help you realise how you are the centre of  your own life. Regaining the sense of  autonomy through  your  journey  not  only  helps  develop  skills  but  enhances  the  personal elements  that  go  with  any  activity.  Some  of   these  personal  elements  are  ways  to communicate,  confidence  through  challenges,  openness  to  new  experiences,  the ability to try new social and recreational activities, the feeling of  freedom, etc. Support and Guidance: Living with a disability shouldn’t become a crutch upon your dreams. We intend our support and guidance provided help you understand that although the way to achieve  your  dream  may  need  tweaking,  the  dream  never  dies-  you  just  change how you want it to live. As you learn to become more independent, you have on your  way,  experts  experienced  in  different  fields  to  consult  and  work  with  no matter  what  you  journey  through.  We  also  offer  extended  physical  support  for those  needing  equipment  to  help  function  through  the  day.  It  is  important  to remember how this support is an aid, not a barrier to your living. Strong Connection: Sometimes  you  want  to  experience  something  new,  but  don’t  have  dare  to  try  it. Sometimes  you  want  to  share  a  part  of   your  lives  with  people,  but  don’t  know where

Accepting Respite Care: Why taking a break can bring you and your carer closer


Why is something like Respite Care important anyway? No matter what journey we set ourselves onto, there are parts of it that you can neither do alone nor do you want to. It is nice to have the choice of independence, around people you love and want to support. However, not everyone has this choice. For people living with a disability, someone who’s been in an accident, a person recovering from surgery, or the elderly, for example; the need for help might be greater than before. As much as there are residencies available for these situations, not everyone is fond of the idea. The beauty of humanity does take flight in these situations, as people realise who are the ones willing to give anything to make your lives better. As much as the phrase goes, ‘ hold on to these people ’ – it is important to realise that these people aren’t going anywhere and so there isn’t the need to hold on to them so tightly, either. Being cared for by your loved ones and close friends changes the dynamics of a relationship. It exposes both sides to things neither have had reason to share with each other before. This can be confrontational and uncomfortable, but on the plus side, delightful and relieving to shed baggage and open up to each other like never before. But as life takes these new turns, it becomes ever more important to realise how having space can strengthen these connections. We’re talking breaks – for both you and your carer. We’ve all heard and experienced burnout. It’s like deciding to try to burn the candle at both ends, even if there isn’t any wax left. As human as we are, we all have limits to our patience, understanding, tolerance, temper and the list goes on and on! Having these limits isn’t the problem, but you do get to learn where these limits are in situations where the choice to take care or be taken care of, disappears. The last thing either side needs is the feeling of being stuck in circumstance. Circumstance can be unpredictable, but also always changed. Even professionally trained carers get tired. Except they have time to clock in and clock off. With family and friends, these lines are way more blurry than we know. That’s where we come in. Cosy Home & Community Care understands the importance of a break no matter who you are and offers Respite Care for these situations. We also understand how the bond between people trumps any situation and how important it is to keep that alive. However, we can only help when you understand it is perfectly alright to accept Respite Care and call us in. How do you know it’s time to seek Respite? Making the decision to seek Respite Care can happen for many reasons: whether personally motivated or circumstantial. Personal Reasons to want Respite: Sacrifice What began as a willing change of plans for each other, like cancelling a game to take care of someone or not watching your favourite show because a loved one is here to help you take a shower; has now turned into a sacrifice. If left unchecked, these feelings can turn to hostility. Frustration How easy is it to ignore what you’re feeling when there’s stuff to do and people to do it with? Your mind is as important as this stuff to be done- pay attention to it. Neglect Feeling a bit neglected is quite commonly felt by the person being looked after and the career. You may feel like your loved one is obligated and giving too much for your well-being. On the other case, as a carer, you might feel guilty wanting to do things alone and take a break because the person you’re looking after can’t do the same. You’re both entitled to a break- don’t forget that. Exhaustion Sometimes no matter what routine you have set, you function outside of it. Not getting sleep is a good example. Something as small as this can make the next day seem like a lot of extra effort. It’s easy to take it out on the people around us when we’re not in the greatest moods. Recognize these unpredictable situations and communicate them. Extreme cases can also cause either of you to fall ill frequently, which nobody wants to happen. Circumstantial Reasons to need Respite: Clashing Schedules When being taken care of by a loved one or a friend, there are two people’s schedules to work around. These often clash and can cause a lot of stress to just plan it out. An accident or recovery from surgery Such circumstances are uncalled for, but not unheard of. In these situations, the person going through recovery understands the process better than anyone on the outside. It is important to give the person time and understand what he/she needs. As tempting as it is, talking and sharing feelings may not be at the top of that person’s list at the moment. This is perfectly alright. Having a disability Some disabilities require physical assistance to get around. Others call for constant company through daily function, while some may not need assistance at all. Even if it is something small, like you’re a really bad cook, respite can help you learn to like this skill with the right person. Elderly care Growing old is an inevitable process that is not so comfortably talked about, even though it happens to everyone. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to step out and accept that you’re not as equipped as you used to be to do certain things- either physically or mentally. Travelling Whether you’re a loved one travelling for work, or to take a break; a person being cared for who’s decided to take a holiday, or a live-in carer needing that holiday – Respite is exactly what you need. Your funded Respite isn’t enough Sometimes even the allocated Respite care isn’t enough for your days. You

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